Sometimes, torrential rain catches me while running

I like running. Because It is a very simple and easy exercise to perform without spending any money. Some people run indoor, in a gym on a treadmill but I prefer to running outdoor, in a park, trail, along the beach, etc. This way is much more refreshing to me. And every time I see people running on a treadmill by a window at a gym that reminds me of hamster wheel. Anyway, I love running outdoor with music, wearing a headphone. Running outdoor is not always a perfect choice because of weather. Sometimes, torrential rain catches me while running. Light rain doesn’t bother me and I usually continue to run. Running in the rain is not as comfortable as running on a sunny day. It’s no big deal to get wet. After an exercise, you can dry yourself and you can change your clothes. (You are going to change your sweaty and sticky clothes anyway.) But if you want to keep running in the rain with music, you have to keep your music players and headphones from getting wet.

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