Women should wake up and stop letting others kill off their

Pro abortion groups says this ad sends a dangerous message have a baby at any cost Ask ANY mother regardless of race, income or age if they regret having their baby after the fact. The polls would be strongly against that statement. Free speech is free speech, not just for those who are trying to make money by killing babies. Women should wake up and stop letting others kill off their offspring. Stop letting others tell you that your child isn worth it! Even the crudest beasts in the animal kingdom do not do this. They tempt you by saying it will ruin your life, cause you mental distress and depression, deplete your savings, and take your freedom away. A child is a smile when you need it, a playful distraction from the stresses of life, the motivation needed to actually have a savings, and when you feel no one else loves you, your child will give it unconditionally. It a guarantee of future happiness with many loved ones caring for you and surrounding you in your elder years. I have never met an elderly person, of whom have one or no children and they unanimously state that their biggest regret is not having more children. Their decisions to limit their children were based on selfish reasons. Money and power can only give you temporary happiness, where children, grand children and great grandchildren give you happiness through your entire lifetime. I feel sorry for those selfish people who after giving up their precious fertile years, have 40 50 years of regret, depression and complete and utter loneliness. It surely is the curse for your selfishness.

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