Comically Missing the Point: In Act I and some of Act II, all Berenger cares about is whether African rhinos have one or two horns (It’s Indian rhinoceroses that have one horn). This is before he realises that the rhinos all used to be human beings. Did Not Get the Girl: Daisy, the girl Berenger is in love with, decides to become a rhinoceros at the end. Drowning My Sorrows: Bereneger at the beginning of the play. Dwindling Party: One by one, everyone starts turning into a rhinoceros, until only Berenger is left. The Eeyore: Lethargic, apathetic, impassive Berenger, at least in the first act. But then she changes her mind and leaves him to join them. Hypocritical Humor: In Act I, Jean tries to help Berenger to snap out of his alcoholic depression. His encouragements work. and then he announces that he’s going out for a drink with friends. The Insomniac: Berenger in Act III, who is so scared of turning into a rhinoceros that he can’t sleep at night and has to take barbituates to set himself straight. Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Jean recommends that Berenger go and see “one of those Ionesco plays”. Only Sane Man: Berenger, whom everyone seems to think is mad for not conforming. He does go into a Sanity Slippage in the third act, but manages to reaffirm himself. Rhino Rampage: And it only gets worse throughout. Screaming Woman: A housewife with a cat, frequently. That Poor Cat: A rhinoceros tramples a woman’s cat. Translation Convention: Productions of the show that are in any language but its native French will retain Berenger’s line about how he’s speaking French. Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The first rhinoceros, but only to Berenger.
Ben’s back down on the EAst Coast of Tasmania and calls into Freycinet Marine Farm to visit Giles again. He chats to Ben about the farm’s move into the production of msusels and diving for sea urchin. Ben heads back to the Avalon Coastal Retreat and prepares a dish with the fresh produce from the marine farm. Next, Ben arrives at the University of Queensland and heads down to the synthetic fields to cook producer Amee’s favourite dish, Thai Green Curry. Joel Gilmore, scientist at the University of Queensland, explains why the seeds of a chilli holds all the heat. Back in the kitchen, Ben prepares a burrito bowl using one of his least favourite leafy greens, kale. Professor Lee Hickey, vegetable gene ius, and Melissa Fitzgerald, protein pro, from the University of Queensland, give information on a few ingredients featuring the burrito bowl. Jack, Ben’s son, sneaks in just in time to taste test the dish.
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